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TOOLKIT for the general public

The THINKWATER TOOLKIT is a resource hub, developed to serve a wide range of constituents, and to provide the necessary tools in the best practices of systems thinking.

This page features resources for the general public. 


1. Learn the basics of DSRP Systems Thinking

Systems Thinking 101 - An introductory course in systems thinking visit 


A Little Film About a Big Idea watch on the ThinkWater homepage


Systems Thing Made Simple - An introduction to systems thinking Kindle or book


Infographics, posters, etc. downloadable resources
















2. Systems Thinking & Water 

Rethinking Water watch on the ThinkWater homepage


WI ThinkWater video watch on the ThinkWater homepage


3. How Systems Thinking can Help Solve Problems

Familiarize yourself with systems mapping software. Plectica videos


Map Library - View the library of Plectica maps created by The ThinkWater fellows, The 

Wisconsin Water Thinkers Network, Wisconsin ThinkWater School, and others. visit



Cats, Rats, and Roofs: The Perils of Ignoring Relationships download


Words Matter: Mental Models and Mass Killings download


No Word is an Island: Distinguishing "Nerd" & "Geek" download

Relationships poster small.png
3 things Infographic cover.jpg

Supplemental Resources 

Analysis Using DSRP Questions download.



These animated sequences are designed to help explain some of the basic, fundamental aspects of mapping, and systems thinking.


Mental Models

Although it feels to our conscious self that we interact directly with the real world, in fact we interact indirectly with the real world through our mental models of it. Think of a mental model as a lens between you and reality, coloring what you see. As systems thinkers, we must acknowledge that our mental models are (often poor) approximations of reality. They provide us with only a partial picture; a frame through which we see what we believe to be real, skewed by our biases and beliefs.


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